Hill Country Youth Event Center • Kerrville, Texas
December 1, 2024 Deadline
$40 per head – UNLIMITED ENTRIES
$100 Late Fee, accepted up to the check-in deadline
Late entries must still meet any and all ownership and entry requirements
Thursday, February 6th - 2 pm-11 pm
Friday, February 7th - 6 am-11 am
Thursday, February 6th - 4 pm-11 pm
Friday, February 7th- 8 am-1 pm
Friday, February 7, 1 pm Deadline
Friday, FEBRUARY 7 AT 3:30 PM
Chester, Landrace, Hampshire, Poland, Spot, Yorkshire, Light Crossbred
Saturday, FEBRUARY 8 AT 7:30 AM
Berkshire, Duroc, Dark Crossbred, followed by Buckle Recognition Ceremony,
Champion Purebred Drive, Champion Crossbred Drive, and followed by Supreme Champion Drive
Preview at 6:30 PM
Sale at 8:30 PM
The times listed are tentative; subject to change
The show and sale will be live-streamed online by Walton’s Webcasting. A show catalog will be printed and available online featuring exhibitor and breeder information and each gilt’s pedigree. Online bidding is available through CCI.live.
There will be NO required exhibitor/spectator gate pass or vehicle pass to enter the grounds of Texas’ Elite Showcase.
Lead Judge
Seth Keplinger - Tremont City, OH
Associate / Sift Judge
Zachary Schwecke - Gibbon, MN
Junior exhibitors of Texas’ Elite Showcase are responsible for knowing and complying with all rules of this show.
The Texas Pork Producers Association and Texas’ Elite Showcase is not liable for any accidents, theft, injury or property damage. The exhibitor shall indemnify the Texas Pork Producers Association / Texas’ Elite Showcase against all legal or other proceedings in regard thereto, as well as any damage or injury to any other person or property, caused by the Exhibitor, article or any of the animals exhibited.
Entries in Texas’ Elite Showcase must be made by the County Extension Agent (CEA) and/or Ag Science Teacher (AST) under whose supervision the animals were fed and cared for. The CEA or AST must certify on the entry form that the animal and the owner are eligible under the rules of the show. It is the responsibility of the CEA or AST to read all the rules and check each entry form before signing it. If entries are not correctly submitted, they will be returned. Entry receipts and signatures must be on current forms with a current summary sheet for each club or chapter, listing all owners and their entries along with one (1) check to cover the total fees due. Checks must be drawn on 4-H or FFA accounts, money orders or cashier’s checks.
There is no limit on the number of entries each exhibitor may enter, provided each entry meets all requirements.
Texas FFA/4-H Youth Only
Participation in Texas’ Elite Showcase is limited to Texas resident students, who are bona fide members of a Texas 4-H Club or Texas FFA Chapter, and who have continuously owned and personally fed and cared for their animals under the direct supervision of a CEA or AST. Exhibitors must be enrolled in and attending public, private or home school, elementary or secondary schools in Texas. Students must be between the ages of 9 and 18 on or before August 31, the year prior to the show. Exception: students in the 3rd grade become eligible on their 8th birthday.
Quality Counts Verification
All junior show exhibitors are required to have gone through the Quality Counts program, and complete and pass the online test through which they will be assigned a unique verification number. Each exhibitor’s verification numbers must be recorded on their entry forms at the time of entry. Refer to the website http://qualitycounts.tamu.edu for more information.
Ineligible Exhibitors
If an exhibitor is suspended under the Texas Education Code 33.081 “No Pass, No Play”, then that exhibitor and their animal are not eligible for competition.
Texas’ Elite Showcase is open to only gilts of the Certified Texas Bred Registry. The gilts must have been bred, farrowed, and raised in Texas and have a valid CTBR certificate. CTBR certificates are furnished to eligible breeders; exhibitors should request the certificate from the breeder of the gilt.
State Validated – Ownership Deadline by December 1
All gilts entered in Texas’ Elite Showcase must be validated in the Texas 4-H and FFA Swine Validation Program. Gilts must be listed on an official Swine Validation Form between November 1 and November 30. Exhibitors must have owned and cared for their animals continuously since November 30, 2024. Show management and the Validation Program will work together to make the final decision regarding any potential disqualification.
A copy of the original registration paper of each purebred gilt must be uploaded through the Texas 4-H and FFA Swine Validation Program by January 3, 2025.
*Please be familiar with Rule #5 in the Texas 4-H/FFA Livestock Program Ethics Policy: “Animals validated for major shows may also be exhibited at other shows. Be advised, however, that if any validated animal is exhibited and SOLD at any other show, the animal will be ineligible to show at any subsequent major show. If ownership changes, regardless of method or length of time, that chain of animal ownership is considered broken.”
Certificate of Veterinary Inspection
Health papers are required on ALL gilts and will be inspected upon arrival. ALL certificates of veterinary inspection must be issued on or after January 9, 2025, with the following information:
Leptospirosis vaccination is required on breeding swine within 30 days prior to date of the sale with vaccine containing the following strains: Canicola, Hardjo, Icterohaemorrhagiae, Grippotyphosa, and Pomona. The vaccination date must appear on the health certificate.
A statement must appear that says the animal has not been fed garbage, has not been exposed to hog cholera or pseudorabies, does not originate from a quarantined herd, nor has the herd of origin had PRV within the last six months, nor have the entries themselves been vaccinated for PRV.
Gilt identification must be included on health certificates in the form of validation number and ear notches.
Blood tested negative for Brucellosis and Pseudorabies. *(This is required for ALL gilts, purebred or crossbred, of any age, that will be shown at Texas’ Elite Showcase even if the herd is certified Brucellosis and Pseudorabies free.)
As of November 19, 2024, the Texas Animal Health Commission (TAHC) issued an executive director waiver allowing 60-day brucellosis and pseudorabies testing for gilt exhibition sales. The waiver extends the 30-day testing requirement for non-exempt gilts changing ownership at an exhibition sale to 60 days.
Therefore, your health certificate must list the physical address of the event center for the Texas Elite Showcase: 3785 TX-27, Kerrville, TX 78028.
Pedigreed (Purebred) Division
The breeder’s name listed on the certificate must match the breeder’s name listed on the official registration certificate issued by the breed association. Exhibitors will be required to present original registration certificates, which indicate the gilt to be Texas-bred. Photocopies will not be accepted. Animals must be registered in the herd book of their association in the name of the junior owner. All purebred gilts must be eligible for exhibition as per guidelines established by their respective breed associations.
A committee of three appointed by the show will determine the eligibility of those gilts that exhibit questionable breed character as established by the breed association for exhibition. All purebred gilts are subject to DNA testing to determine stress, color gene, and parentage.
Purebred classes will be broken by weight following check-in. Gilts must have been farrowed between June 1 – September 10, 2024. Classes will be broken as evenly as possible within breed according to the weight recorded at check-in. Purebreds will follow an 8-breed format, with the following breeds being eligible: Berkshire, Chester, Duroc, Hampshire, Landrace, Poland China, Spotted, Yorkshire.
NEW: Pedigreed gilts will not have a weight minimum or maximum. All gilts will weigh once (1) during check-in. The weight recorded on the official scales is the weight the gilt will show by. After this is completed, the gilt will no longer have a weight back. Weight cards must be turned in by 1pm, February 7th.
Non-Pedigreed (Crossbred) Division
Classes will be broken by weight following check-in. There will be a Light Crossbred breed and a Dark Crossbred breed.
The Light Crossbred breed will strictly be for whites and blues. Absolutely no black pigmentation will be allowed on Light Crossbreds. If black pigmentation is found, the gilt will be reassigned to her respective class within the Dark Crossbred breed.
The Dark Crossbred breed will be divided into three divisions by check-in weight – Light, Medium, and Heavy. Classes will be divided as evenly as possible. Following the conclusion of the heavyweight division, a champion and reserve champion dark crossbred gilt will be selected.
Non-pedigreed gilt must weigh a minimum of 220 pounds, with a maximum weight of 350. Weight cards must be turned in by 1 pm, February 7. All gilts will weigh once (1) during check-in. Any gilt that weighs below 220 will be allowed one (1) official reweigh. The weight recorded on the official scales is the weight the gilt will show by. After this is completed, the gilt will no longer have a weight back.
Exhibitors of crossbred gilts will be required to complete a pedigree form at time of check-in, listing the sire and sire of dam.
(Exhibitors to receive up to the highest listed amount; premiums do not accumulate for same gilt)
Supreme Champion:
$5,000 and Cimarron Aluminum Stock Box
Sponsored by D&D Trailers
Reserve Supreme Champion:
$3,000 and Cimarron Aluminum Stock Box
Sponsored by D&D Trailers
Champion Purebred Overall: $1,000
Reserve Purebred Overall: $1,000
Champion Crossbred Overall: $1,000
Reserve Crossbred Overall: $1,000
Breed Champion: $500
Reserve Champion: $400
1st place: $300
2nd place: $250
3rd place: $200
4th place: $150
5th place: $100
Additional Awards
Supreme Champion: Traveling Trophy featuring Exhibitor and Breeder
Reserve Supreme: Traveling Trophy featuring Exhibitor and Breeder
Breed Champions: Banners and Buckles
Reserve Champions: Banners and Buckles
Dark Crossbred Division Champions: Trophies
Dark Crossbred Reserve Division Champions: Trophies
Class Placings: Rosettes and Vinyl Banners
A minimum of 50 gilts will be eligible to sell in the Elite Showcase Sale. All gilts selected to the sale must sell – no exceptions. Any exhibitor who violates this rule will be subject to a one-year suspension from the show, as well as a $5,000 fine. All breed champions and reserves are guaranteed a sale lot. The judge will select the number of gilts he or she thinks should make the sale from each breed. However, just because the exhibitor is selected by the judge does not mean the exhibitor is guaranteed a sale spot. After each show day, a sale list will be posted of the gilts that will make the sale from the respective show days.
A 15% commission will be collected on each gilt in the sale to assist in marketing expenses. Gilts may be bought back in the sale by the exhibitor; however, the 15% sales commission will still be applied to the sale price.
The seller will be responsible for expenses incurred to change ownership of registered gilts. Fees associated with ownership changes will be deducted from the seller’s check after commission is taken out.
The Gilts of Distinction Sale is open to all registered buyers; registration will begin Sunday at the conclusion of the show. All gilts must be paid for in-full before being released to the buyer. There will be a $50 service charge on all returned checks. Payment may be made by cash, check or credit card.
It is suggested that all exhibitors subscribe to the National Swine Registry Code of Fair Practices. These can be found on the NSR website, nationalswine.com, in the section titled Policies. Texas’ Elite Showcase makes no warranties regarding any gilt in the sale; gilts sell as-is with no implied guarantee of quality, longevity or breeding soundness.
To foster fair competition, to provide an equal playing field, and to impart the importance of raising swine in an ethical and human manner, the showing of unethically fitted gilts, gilts of any ineligible age for exhibition in the class entered, and/or gilts being administered prohibited substances, as defined herein, is strictly prohibited. Texas’ Elite Showcase reserves the right to randomly test for the presence of unapproved drugs in gilt entries.
Unethical fitting: Gilts showing any signs of being unethically fit will be disqualified. Unethical fitting includes actions to alter the gilt’s performance and true conformation and/or breed character of the gilt.
Appropriate age for class: Any animal that is represented as a different age than its actual birth date will be disqualified.
Gilts that are exhibited must be guaranteed open (not bred).
Prohibited substances
- Any substance that has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and/or the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) for use in food animals; and
- The use of animal drugs or other substances in any matter other than in accord with the labeling approved by the FDA; and
- Any beta2-adrenergic agonist not approved for use in swine and furosemide (i.e. Lasix) are prohibited substances, and
- Any substance which has the potential to enhance an animal’s performance including, but not limited to, steroids, diuretics, anti-inflammatory, tranquilizers, and pain killers, even if such substances are approved by the FDA and/or USDA for use in food animals.
Exhibitor and exhibitor’s parents and/or guardians agree that:
- They are absolutely and completely responsible for the care and custody of their gilts. It is the sole responsibility of the exhibitor to insure that the animal is free of prohibited substances.
- Texas’ Elite Showcase shall be entitled to disqualify an exhibitor whose gilt tests positive (defined as any measurable quantity) for any prohibited substance(s). The extent of knowledge on the part of the exhibitor or the exhibitor’s parent and/or guardians with regard to prohibited substances found in an animal is not relevant to any issue, and it shall not be a defense that a third-party or unknown person administered the prohibited substance to the animal.
- The drug test results of the testing laboratories are final and binding upon the exhibitor and the exhibitor’s parents and/or guardians. Even if the source of the drug is unknown, Texas’ Elite Showcase shall be entitled to disqualify the exhibitor.
All protests must be in writing and be accompanied by a $500 cash deposit which will not be returned if protest is not sustained. Protests must state plainly the cause of the complaint or appeal and must be delivered to the show superintendent immediately after the occasion that prompted the protest. The TPPA Executive Committee has final authority on rulings. Any protest not officially filed within 24 hours of the incident may not be considered.